Sunday, November 7, 2010

brotherly love

Sometimes i forget just how much out of practice one can get but here's a painting I did for this contest over at's about a brother who's deceased brother comes back to read him bedtime stories at night. Next up, perhaps Ill do the capcom unity contest....I'm not sure though but we'll see heehee.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

oh the questions

My little sister is great. I love it that she likes manga, anime....hell all the things I do. I was even more proud when she embarked on her mission to play chrono trigger. However it seems like everytime I let her play a myriad of questions arise. She constantly needs help. All I wanted was to take a nap and that wasn't happening while she tried to play Chrono Trigger...oh well...maybe it'll be better when she's older

Friday, October 29, 2010

借りぐらしのアリエッティ ノーカット版 予告 The Borrower Arrietty Trailer

megamind first 5 mins preview 2010 *NEW*

I honestly can't wait for this
This looks to be quite amazing. The colors are lush and rich, the characters, though somewhat reminiscent of previous films, still have alot of charm and appeal to them. What I can gather from the story so far, it looks to be very fantastical and kinda reminds me of the fraggle rock for some reason without that dog getting in the way lol. Looks to be alot of fun.
Something else I wanna see, oddly enough, is Megamind.
At first, I was rather sceptical but it seems like it could be very funny. As Jeffrey Katzenburg put it, they make movies for the adult in the child. Seems so in this one. Could very well be one of the only movies that I want to go see that has Will Ferrel too lol.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

morning doodles

I saw this really neat image on this rug and I kinda thought I d something like it with ol Arianna here. she loves flowers...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

more hospital drawings


...more of the same stuff.....I have to again say I did alot of drawings that didn't make it to this....alot of the patients got word of my stuff and wanted stuff for their kids and whatever and me being the kind self conscious guy I am I didn't think I should charge for the drawings....I just had a ton of fun despite having to use crayons and dry markers....made me be more conscious of what I was drawing as well as provided a much needed yea enough of my babbling...enjoy while I go work on some animation stuff hehe

hospital doodles

So I was alittle behind on this one.....for those of you who know I just got out of the hospital dealing with some rather personal stuff....but anywho I was allowed to draw with crayons and half dry markers so I turned out a few things...I mean there was more but between giving everyone drawings and throwing them away or deeming them not worthy of posting here this is the first of some I thought I kinda liked.... hpe you guys dig alittle and follow me on my progress because I will get better

Sunday, October 17, 2010

drawings that I never had time to post



there is a guy that is spraypainting some stuff.......that was my attempt at t shirt design.....I admire people that can come up with really cool designs for for the two birds.....that was the illustration I created for my fiancee and me for our save the dates......I thought it was tough but I think they didn't come out that bad.....everything else is just doodles Ive been doing.....I m finding that animation has made me not draw as much....I do alot of often useless thumbnails but for the most part I dont draw as much.....that is all going to change soon for sure.

oh this cool site with info and stuff

I found this awesome website contains tons of notes that this guy named Jason Smith has collected from various working animators.....very informative stuff..... my favorites so far being a glimpse into Jeff Gabor's workflow and a a video from someone who I can't think of right now, where he explains how he brainstorms for animation using a technique called mindmapping. Anyways there is a ton of great stuff like a reposting of Brandon Body's in depth analysis of birds in flight and their body mechanics.....I want to be that good one day....nuff said.

Tangled - Trailer 2 (Official)

Epic Mickey Wii trailer - return of Oswald the rabbit!

what have I done

well....Ive been away for quite some time huh? It feels as though I'd lost touch with what was most important thanks to my all too favorite disease. Anywho pretty soon I'll have some new meds and hopefully be back to the old productive me...I have been drawing and animating but I can't help that something is holding me back. Anyways today, my blog will take a turn for a better and I will make it a point to post something new everyday so that I can get back to old me....kind of like a nice rehabilitation of art. So grab all of your friends, hide the kids...this is a declaration of war on my bipolar anti-art bla bla!!

oh and I wanted to post some other things that I found inspirational as well....maybe you guys who read this will too